Orange PI GPIO programozás pythonból – fejlesztő környezet telepítés

  ARM, GPIO, Programozás, Python, Számítástechnika

Orange PI Zero GPIO vezérléshez pythonból az alábbi linek találtam telepítési leírást:

Zero alatt a pyA20 telepítésénél a processzort nem ismerte fel erre a az alábbi sorokat ki rem-eltem, és tovább lépett:

  1. letöltöttem innen a pyA20-at:
  2. kiremeltem:
    def print_warning():
    Print confirmation dialog
    print (print_color("Warning! ") + "Detected and target processor mismatch. ")
    # var = input("Do you want to continue [Y/n]? ")
    # if var == 'Y' or var == 'y':
    #     return
    # else:
    #     print ("Abort.")
    #    sys.exit(1)

3. majd python install kiadásával telepítettem.


Let’s start by preparing the environment by installing Python

Then install the pyA20 library

Now we need to install the library to manage the Orange Pi GPIO. Place yourself in your home folder (eg /home/ft) and then clone the pyH3 library ( This is an adaptation made by Duxingkei Chow of the library “python control orangepi_PC ext GPIO ALLwinner H3” based on the “pyA20 0.2.1” library.

Enter the library directory

And run the installation (it is better to do the previous command with a sudo if you are not logged in as root).


A Program:

Lighting a Python Led

For this first tutorial on the GPIO of Orange Pi, we will not go far. Either way it’s exactly the same as Raspberry. There is only the call of the pins that differs.

Create a new file. For example

Paste the following code and save with Ctrl + X then Y. This code is very simple, it lights for 2 seconds a LED connected to the PG7 pin (equivalent to the Raspberry GPIO21). Connect a LED on pin PG7 (the last one in the right column) to a GND via a 220Ω resistor.

We make the script executable

If you are not logged in as root, you must preface the python command with a sudo (you will be prompted for the password).

If the wiring is correct, the LED must illuminate for 2 seconds.